Analysis of the poem “In the Evening” by A. Akhmatova.
Analysis of Akhmatova’s poem “In the Evening” Anna Akhmatova is rightfully considered a “lady’s” poetess who brought
Read a fairy tale by a p platonov nikita
Text of the book “Nikita” Andrei Platonov Nikita Early in the morning, the mother left the yard for the field
Old and new owners of the cherry orchard. (Based on A.P. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard”)
Old and new owners of the cherry orchard. (Based on A.P. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard”)
Old and new owners of the cherry orchard. (Based on A.P. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard”) Subject: Literature
Brief biography of Sergei Mikhalkov
February 28, 1913 – August 27, 2009 (96 years old) 3.9 Average rating: 3.9
The meaning of Pushkin's work - Mozart and Salieri
The idea of ​​the play To create his work, Alexander Pushkin used several sources. Researchers of his work
Message on the topic: “The life and work of M. Yu. Lermontov”
Reports People Gogol life and work Gogol is one of the pillars of Russian literature, a magnificent
Parma monastery
Brief summary Various authors Stendhal - Parma monastery "Parma monastery" is one of the most
people in the novel war and peace essay
How are ordinary people depicted in the novel War and Peace?
The world of the peasantry in the work The People in the novel “War and Peace” is widely represented. Peasantry described
Analysis of the novel Madame Bovary by Flaubert
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"Generation "P""
Summary of Pelevin Generation “P” During the economic and political events in the 1990s
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