“The Snow Queen”, Gerda and Kai: characteristics and history of images

The fairy tale by H.H. Andersen is dedicated to Jenny Lind, a very famous opera actress in the 18th century. She had phenomenal range. She was applauded by Berlin, Paris, London and Vienna. Her voice was admired, and her performances were sold out.

Andersen was captivated to the depths of his soul by her beautiful voice. Lindh and the writer met in Copenhagen. Literally at first sight, he fell in love with the singer. Whether this feeling was mutual is unknown. But she really appreciated his writing talent.

Andersen couldn’t speak beautifully about his love, so he decided to write about it and confess his feelings. Having sent a letter with Lind's confession, he did not wait for a response. This is how the famous fairy tale was born, telling about the touching love that Gerda and Kai felt for each other.

Prototypes of heroes in a fairy tale

Two years later, Lind and Andersen met. The actress invited Andersen to become her brother. He agreed (since it was better than being a nobody), thinking that Gerda and Kai were also like brother and sister.

Perhaps in search of a real feeling, Andersen spent a lot of time traveling, trying to escape from the kingdom of the Snow Queen, which was Copenhagen for him. In life, everything is not like in a fairy tale. The image of Kai and Gerda, invented by Andersen and personifying him and Lind, was just as pure. In his life, Kai was never able to make Gerda fall in love with him and escape from the kingdom of the Snow Queen.

On the threshold of Infinity in the kingdom of the Snow Queen

Hans Christian Anderson managed, with a short fairy tale written in simple language, to literally reflect the meaning of the entire universe, the struggle for the future, free will, great desire and love.

11 6861 April 4, 2013 at 21:49 Posted by:

Writers, people with a visual and sound vector, have the talent to describe the world around them systematically. Take any work of a talented writer - everywhere there are real, not far-fetched descriptions that reflect reality in one form or another.

The visual vector provides such people with creative peripheral vision, which we often call intuition, creative flair. They have a brilliant intellect and the ability to empathize, experience empathy, and love for other people.

The sound vector gives a sense of syllables, the ability to enormously concentrate thoughts and put them on paper in the form of an exact word. As a result, we receive and enjoy a work of art that allows us to feel the characters and get inspired.

Hans Christian Anderson managed to literally reflect the meaning of the entire universe with a short fairy tale written in simple language. His “Snow Queen” in psychology reflects the struggle for the future, free will, great desire and love.

The main characters of the work - Gerda, Kai and the Snow Queen - play a huge role in building the future in the fairy tale. And everything that happens to them reflects the processes taking place in society - not fairy-tale, but real.

Through the character of Gerda, the writer expressed the option of a bright future for all humanity, and through the character of the Robber - its dead-end branch, the lack of development. Urethral Gerda saves the skin-visual Kai from the sound Snow Queen, locked in her own egocentrism, in whose kingdom there is no time, but only static, sleepy, apathetic space and cold. She pulls Kai into the “black hole” of her sound, frozen in development, and he will have to work hard to find another, new world.

Systematically about the fairy tale “THE SNOW QUEEN”. Kai character

Kai, a fairly developed skin-visual boy, finds himself at a crossroads, between life and death, between Gerda and the Snow Queen. Carried away by narcissism and arrogance, Kai went for the pleasures that the Snow Queen promised him. And she promised him the whole world, only not the real one, but a false one - locked inside her icy kingdom. It is not surprising that Kai fell for the temptation, because the skin vector is the most ambitious and striving for possessions. The sensual and gentle skin-visual boy Kai himself did not notice how the Snow Queen took him away from real life, freezing his heart. He almost turned black from the cold, his body became dead, he looked as if lifeless.

This is exactly what visual followers of sound sects look like—absorbed in themselves, not seeing anyone, as if lifeless, not feeling. The sick sound vector, locked in egocentrism, takes them far from what they were born for - from the development of feelings and the transfer of moral values ​​to the whole world. It leads you into a dead end from which it is difficult to get out.

Skin-visual boys like Kai, tender, sensual, with tears close to their eyes, began to survive not so long ago. With a life program that has not yet been worked out, they move with an unsteady step along the path laid by skin-visual women - the creators of the culture known to us, a culture of the female type. The scenario of a skin-visual woman has been worked out for centuries, it has developed and been fully realized. And only skin-visual boys trail at the end of the caravan of human development, being the last link in the development of culture and the basis for the development of spiritual man.

Who is the SNOW QUEEN?

The Snow Queen is anti-development, an erroneous branch, a dead end. The bearer of the sound vector, the only one of the eight, who has no desires for the material, but has a desire to understand the spiritual, the meaning of everything that happens, she refuses this development for the sake of her own egocentrism. The queen is in her own snowy kingdom, the kingdom of emptiness and cold, she has no connection with the outside world, does not bring anything into this world, does not fulfill her task.

The sound vector defines the role of the flock's night guard, whose function is to listen into the darkness of the savannah in order to warn the flock of danger. He sits in the silence of absolute silence with his eyes closed, focusing on the sounds from outside and within himself, and thus develops thought. The wooden face, poker face, of the sound guy with a frozen look inside himself gives the impression that he is looking through you. The peculiarity of the sound artist’s perception of the world is that he does not separate the world inside and the world outside, the physical world and the intangible world. For him, what is reality for other vectors is felt as an illusion.

The quality of the states of sound desire determines how deeply it goes into itself. Apathy, depression, loss of interest in life - the deeper, the more complex the condition, up to the final loss of connection with the outside world.

The Snow Queen's self-centered thought that she owns the whole world completely takes over her being and creates the illusion that this is the case. She makes others believe in it too, namely skin-visual boys. The visual vector always reaches out to its older brother in the quartile of information—sound. Without developing, vision is afraid and cannot go into love. And undeveloped sound is happy about this, distancing the viewer even further from the goal and freezing his development in false faith as a way to stop being afraid. This is how sects are created.

The Snow Queen and her kingdom - emptiness, cold, silence, absence of feelings, movement, static, there is no time in it and everything is imaginary perfect: ice floes broken into surprisingly even parts, snowflakes having proportional shapes, she herself, sitting on the mirror of the Mind, the best mirror in the world.

The kiss of the Snow Queen made Kai forget Gerda, and his only desire was to be his own master and get new skates. A fragment of a mirror in Kai's eyes and heart turns him from a loving, developed visual boy into a smug idol. He becomes callous, heartless, and loses emotional sensitivity. Metaphorically, the author depicts a changed Kai, enjoying the creation of icy - inanimate and incapable of feeling - images.


The urethral vector, by its nature, is the only one of the eight that is initially giving. Other vectors undergo development to become outward-releasing, and the urethral vector is initially directed outward. This is animal altruism, a fountain of life, a great desire to live to the fullest, this is the leader of the pack, leading the group into the future. The urethral vector gives according to shortages, it is merciful. Thanks to the leader’s decision, at the request of the skin-visual muse, we became cultured and humane people, that is, we stopped eating skin-visual boys and abandoned cannibalism. Mercy, an innate sense of responsibility, a natural attraction to Kai, and the absence of fear erase all possible obstacles on the path to the goal, and the urethral Gerda poses a daring challenge to the Snow Queen herself.

She is developed, not childishly wise and persistent. Gerda will go through all the tests in order to melt the ice that has shackled Kai’s heart with her hot tears, so that he can again feel how his soul trembles and his living heart, full of feelings, beats. Thus, the urethral Gerda will provide future people with the most important link in the development of humanity - the skin-visual boy.

Little robber

This heroine represents a version of no future. She lives in a gang of bandits who make money from robbery and hooliganism, who even wanted to eat Gerda and took away from her everything that the prince and princess gave her.

The little robber asked to spare Gerda's life so that she could play with her like a toy. She has a deer and pigeons that are locked up, and she entertains herself by stroking their throats with a knife.

The little robber is dark-skinned, broad-shouldered, and behaves like a man: she strives to dominate, brandishes a knife, threatens and boasts. She is a depressed urethral girl who, due to improper upbringing (suppression by parents), tries to behave like a dominant male.

The urethral vector is natural bestowal, animal altruism, not limited by culture, primary restrictions, enormous vitality, the desire to live. Such children mature sexually early, and parents, thinking that this is abnormal, rudely interrupt early masturbation. Time after time, a father with an anal vector, for which his girl must be pure and immaculate, beats his growing urethral daughter, catching her doing this. On an unconscious level, a urethral girl knows that if she were a boy, her pronounced sexuality would be treated much more kindly. So she begins to behave like a urethral male, to pretend to be a boy.

The greater the suppression, the more the urethral woman becomes masculine, even to the point of having a lesbian relationship with a skin-visual female.

Due to suppression, a urethral teenager may even run away from home, opposing himself to the world of adults. Over time, the whole world, the whole society, becomes hostile for him, and he begins to survive by creating his own bandit gang. Becoming asocial, the urethral vector has a dead-end future, dying not in battle for the homeland, but at the next gangster “arrow”.

The work mixes male and female scenarios of the urethral vector, but nevertheless it is surprisingly accurate. Gerda with a developed, not suppressed urethral vector has a future. She goes in search of Kai, fulfilling her natural species role. The little robber remains in the dead end of her gangster world, opposed to society.


The nature of the mirror fragments is the nature of evil, hostility and hatred, distorting perception. The feeling of hostility developed in a person as an additional desire for food. Animals do not have such a feeling, but humans do. We feel each other, our separation from others, our isolation with a feeling of hostility. The entire visual culture is aimed at overcoming feelings of hostility, even to the point of humanism and the inability to kill another.

The fragments of hostility of the treacherous mirror attracted the Snow Queen, who sat on the “best mirror” - the mirror of hatred. Only unfilled sound is able to experience true hatred towards the world around it, the desire to freeze everything around it, to kill it, because in the aberrations of sensations this world prevents sound from living.

The larger the fragment, the greater the hostility towards one’s neighbor; the greater the unfulfillment in a person, the greater the hostility.

Freedom of choice - make an effort

In every scene of the fairy tale, Gerda makes a free choice in favor of development and a bright future. There were many temptations on her way, each season offered her a different life - without worries, worries, efforts: spring - a beautiful dream, eternal bloom; summer - the best suitors and life in the palace itself; autumn - stay in the gang and live a carefree robber life. The flowers sang their songs, the seasons told their stories and imposed their opinions, but, despite all the temptations, Gerda resisted and remembered Kai, knew that he was somewhere nearby, and she defeated both herself and the Snow Queen.

Each of us, as we develop, makes such a choice, overcoming ourselves (laziness, apathy, prejudices, opinions, hostility towards others, etc.). All of humanity is also at the crossroads of the worlds, making its choice every second. Ever since the first sound player asked, looking at the starry sky in the light of the bright moon accompanied by the singing of crickets: “Who am I?”

They say that we don’t choose anything, everything is inherent in us and predetermined by genes, upbringing, and environment. But everything exists according to the principle: “given, but not ensured.” We ensure our own development, we choose whether to develop or not. To suffer or to receive pleasure, to receive or to give. Each vector at any level of development.

Destiny is given to us, but we also need to take it. We choose individually, as a group and as a world. We depend on each other. If we refuse to realize ourselves and make efforts, we lose our future.

To be able to make a choice, you need to know the laws of nature, to know how a person is mentally structured. This system and laws of development are necessary for people to advance, get off the ground and have a future. This system of knowing ourselves, our desires, the people around us and the world is the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

By getting to know others, we learn to perceive the world not only through our own properties, but through the properties of others, we begin to distinguish and understand. Through awareness, hostility becomes a means of acceptance.

Knowing ourselves is a means for exercising freedom of choice, by making which we live life, and do not suffer in the meager world of our opinions and desires.

Only the sound vector truly asks the question: “What is the meaning of life?” He wants to know what I am and what’s going on around me, what’s going on with this world, which is somehow unreal. By getting to know himself and the Universe, the sound specialist begins to go outside and understand the value of the world around him, of everything that exists on Earth. This is his task.

Proofreader: Valeria Starkova

Author of the publication:
The article was written based on materials from the training “System-vector psychology”

Brief analysis of the tale

G. H. Andersen is the first Danish writer whose works were included in world literature. The most famous fairy tales are “The Little Mermaid” and “The Snow Queen”. They are familiar to almost all of us. The fairy tale “The Snow Queen” tells about good and evil, love and oblivion. It also talks about devotion and betrayal.

The image of the Snow Queen in the fairy tale was taken for a reason. Before his death, Andersen's father told him that the Ice Maiden had come for him. In his fairy tale, the writer personified the Snow Queen precisely with the Ice Maiden, who took his dying father with her.

At first glance, the tale is simple and does not contain any deep meaning. Delving deeper into the process of analysis, you understand that the plot raises some of the most important aspects of life - love, devotion, determination, kindness, the fight against evil, religious motives.


  • Snow Maiden, granddaughter of Father Frost (Ostrovsky has a daughter). Subversion, because she is not at all harsh and in the end dies because of love.

Olivia Armstrong cleanses army headquarters of talkers and cowards


Russian speaking[edit]

  • I. S. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons” - Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, Bazarov’s beloved.
  • Rudazov Metaverse: Dailarian Agony. This young lady is the product of incest, a quarter human, three an archdemon, she entered a witchcraft school at the age of six, graduated from it at nine, received the highest (red) cloak at the age of fifteen, and at eighteen she first led a detachment of demonologists, then sawed out her father and grandfather, and in the end she was invited to the Council of Twelve, and immediately to the first chair, and she didn’t care about all of the above. And for everything else too.
  • Lady Khione, crone of the Hrimthurs, Belzedor's henchwoman.
  • Yuri Nesterenko, “Cure for Love” - Isolde. (Undoubtedly, a telling, punning name: made of ice.) The canonical case, she is incapable of love in principle (but everyone falls in love with her, because this is the effect of her magic, which she prudently uses to seize power over the world). At the same time, however, she is not a villain or a megalomaniac, but a totalitarian peacemaker. The character sent to kill her is named Kai.
  • Vera Kamsha, “Reflections of Eterna” - Selina.
  • In other languages[edit]

    • Actually, the Snow Queen from the fairy tale of the same name is a tropnamer.
    • Cao Xueqin, “Dream in the Red Chamber” - Fengjie.
    • Balzac, “Shagreen Skin” - Countess Theodora, “a woman without a heart.”
    • Dickens often has icy beauties, but they have the appearance of the Snow Queen - this is usually a mask behind which they hide melancholy and disappointment: Edith, Mr. Dombey’s second wife, gives coldness to almost everyone around her, especially her husband, but she sincerely loved her stepdaughter.
    • Lady Dedlock (“Bleak House”), having taken the top step in high society, “seemed frozen,” but she has something to hide from her husband and from the world.
    • Unlike them, Estella in Great Expectations really does not know how to love (her adoptive mother deliberately raised her this way), but by the end of the novel, after an unhappy marriage, she changes. True, Dickens did not initially plan this.
  • Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia - Jadis the Witch.
  • "The Wheel of Time" - Moiraine Damodred. As the action progresses, it thaws somewhat.
  • Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher Saga - Yennefer. The rock opera based on the theme is highlighted by the song "Queen of Winter".
  • "The Dresden Files" - Mab, Queen of the Winter Court.
  • “Best served cold” - condottiere Monzcarro Mercatto. Sometimes she is upset that in order to be respected by the mercenaries, she has to act like a frostbitten cruel bitch, while her brother Benna Mercato was the life of the party, could easily approach anyone and, with a friendly pat on the shoulder, have a friendly conversation, and everyone loved him very much, but mostly they were afraid of her. She has the nickname “Snake”, and once became famous for the mass murder of children, which was actually committed by her brother
  • Glen Cook, "Black Squad" - Mistress. She appears as a local Dark Lord, but from communicating with the spiritual soldiers of the Black Squad she thaws to the point that she climbs under the side of one of them, not even thinking about sex, but only dreaming of being hugged and pitied.
  • Joan Vinge's "The Snow Queen" trilogy in the space opera genre is about a planet where winter and summer last for hundreds of years.
      The “Snow Queen” is a cruel, cynical ruler who has lived thanks to the elixir for hundreds of years. And Gerda’s role is played by her own clone.
  • “The End of the World”/“The End of the World” (World's End) - the change of seasons, and the entry into the reign of the Queen of Summer.
  • "Queen of Summer".
  • In the Star Wars Expanded Universe, this was the in-set nickname for Isanne Isard, the head of the Imperial Security Service. After Palpatine's death, she seized power, making the Grand Vizier Sate Pestage (who proclaimed himself the new Emperor) a puppet and ruled from the shadows on his behalf for a relatively long time.
  • The story of Kai and Gerda

    This is a story of touching friendship and love between two fairy-tale characters from Andersen's fairy tale. Gerda and Kai had known each other since childhood and spent a lot of time together. In the fairy tale, it is Gerda who has to prove the strength of friendship, who went on a long and difficult journey after the boy who became a prisoner of the Snow Queen herself. Having charmed Kai with a piece of ice, she turned him into a callous, spoiled and arrogant boy. At the same time, Kai was not aware of his changes. Having managed to go through many difficulties, Gerda managed to find Kai and melt his icy heart. Kindness and faith in her friend’s salvation gave the girl strength and confidence. The fairy tale teaches you to be faithful to your feelings, not to leave a loved one in trouble, to be kind and, despite difficulties, to strive to achieve your goal.

    Characteristics of Kai and Gerda

    Andersen's fairy tale describes to us a kind, attentive and sympathetic Kai. But after challenging the Snow Queen herself, he turns into a rude and angry boy, capable of offending anyone, even Gerda and his grandmother, whose fairy tales he loved to listen to. One of Kai's pranks ended with him being captured by the Snow Queen.

    In the palace of the evil queen, he became a boy with an icy heart. Kai kept trying to make the word “eternity” out of ice floes, but he couldn’t. Then she promised to give him skates and the whole world. Kai's desire to comprehend eternity indicates his lack of understanding that this cannot be done without true feelings, without love, having only a cold mind and an icy heart.

    Having lost all human feelings, Kai, in fear, wanted to read a prayer, but could not. All he could think about in his head was the multiplication table. Frozen figures of regular geometric shapes were the only thing that delighted him. Kai tramples his once-beloved roses and examines snowflakes with interest through a magnifying glass.

    The image of Gerda is a contrast to the character of the Snow Queen. To find Kai and rescue him from the ice castle, the girl sets out on a long and difficult journey. In the name of her love, a brave little girl sets off into the unknown. The obstacles encountered along this path did not make Gerda angry and did not force her to turn back towards home and abandon her friend in captivity of the Snow Queen. She remained friendly, kind and sweet throughout the entire fairy tale. Bravery, perseverance and patience help her not to become discouraged, but to humbly overcome all failures. Thanks to this character, she managed to find Kai. And love for him was able to melt his icy heart and cope with the spell of the evil queen.

    The description of Gerda and Kai may be a prototype of real people and similar stories in real life. You just need to take a closer look around.

    Devotion and betrayal. "The Snow Queen"

    I want to make it clear right away that I am a cartoon Old Believer. Yes, I understand that there is a new Lion King coming out soon, where Simba is a handsome tofu-loving vegan... But my heart will forever be drawn to what is so inextricably linked with the originals. I can’t look at cartoons, where fairy tales bring so much unreality into the fragile world that I want to howl. I don't need black nutcrackers or feminist fairies. And the old cartoon “The Snow Queen” is excellent proof that you can simply film a fairy tale and it will turn into a legend. Imagine that our cartoon from 1957 (yes, it’s so old!) had a decisive influence on Hayao Miyazaki when he was choosing what he would do in life.

    “When I saw The Snow Queen, I was already doing animation. I then thought: how good it is that I chose this profession! It's great that I have the chance to create something like this. It wasn't that I could make such a film, it was that I was in the right place at the right time. Our work at that time left much to be desired and evoked a feeling of pity, but I understood what we should strive for. I realized then that the expressive possibilities of animation are much wider and deeper than what is usually presented. It was like a sign from above. The message in this film was real and important. I seriously decided to take up animation for myself, devoting myself to this matter to the end. This is the experience I had...

    And in the 60-70s of the last century in everyone’s beloved America, this cartoon was a traditional decoration for the New Year’s TV network! Children and adults from all over the world gathered to watch this incredible struggle between good and evil. According to the Kinoexpert website, “The Snow Queen” ranks first among Soviet cartoons popular abroad. Imagine that in France the Snow Queen was voiced by Catherine Deneuve herself! And we... and you and I should definitely re-watch this cartoon during the New Year holidays.

    The story about a woman with an icy heart was given to us by Hans Christian Andersen. And this is his longest fairy tale of all written. And, like any writer, he poured out on paper what was stirring his soul. The author himself had great difficulties with the ladies of his heart. He was also not noticed in relationships with men. Even his trips to the Red Light District were childish. He only talked with the moths. Trying to experience all the shades of life. But his love turned out to be cruel.

    Andersen fell in love with opera singer Jenny Lind. The girl was known for her soprano solo performances throughout Europe. She was 14 years younger than Andersen, but still addressed him as “brother” or “child.” He was then 40, and she was 26. Her heart belonged to someone else, but she received gifts and praise from the author with joy. One day Andersen could not stand it and opened up, but... remained without an answer. And so the prototype of a woman with ice instead of a heart was born. And Kai... this naive brother was the author himself. Look how he describes the Queen's appearance:

    “The snowflake grew and grew until, finally, it turned into a tall woman, wrapped in the thinnest white blanket; it seemed to be woven from millions of snow stars.

    This woman, so beautiful and majestic, was all made of ice, made of dazzling, sparkling ice - and yet alive; her eyes shone like two clear stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them.”

    But, for Jenny, he forever remained only a brother. The writer died alone, and the last dialogue with the love of his life looked like this:

    - You probably hate me? - Andersen asked. “In order to hate, I must first love...” Jenny answered.

    The beginning of the cartoon is also very symbolic and unusual. Do you know who this short gnome is who greets the bust of Hans Andresen? Of course you know, he introduces himself! His name is Ole Lukoje. As he himself says further, the ancient people called him the god of dreams, but this does not suit him. Which one is god? He's just a "little magical man." The character's last name means "close your eyes." He himself is the prototype of Morpheus, and his brother is Death itself, which closes its eyes forever.

    Ole has two umbrellas, which he opens to sleeping children. For those who have behaved well, there is an umbrella with beautiful pictures. It helps them see beautiful and pleasant dreams. Ole Lukoje opens an umbrella without pictures for naughty children. Black umbrella. These children spend the night dreamless. For us, thanks to the creators, the little wizard opens a positive umbrella. Phew, at least someone knew I was great this year (not really).

    I would like to draw your attention a little to the drawing. Surely you have noticed that the appearance of the Snow Queen is very different from the rest of the cartoon characters? It's all about rotoscoping. Interesting word, right? This is what it means. First, the actors are filmed on real film, and then the resulting image is translated frame by frame into drawings. At the time this cartoon was created, there were no computers that could do this quickly and painlessly. Therefore, each frame with the Queen was hand-drawn by artists. This is the “live-action” method from actress Maria Babanova. By the way, we called this method “eclair” (after the brand of the manufacturer of the long table on which all the manipulations were carried out).

    And in general, the cartoon’s art is wonderful... I still have those two roses in my head as if they were real and velvety. Like they can smell through the screen.

    So what is the cartoon about? About mutual assistance. Where even different peoples and cultures are ready to make sacrifices for a good idea. About loyalty and friendship. About goodness. Both to people and animals. This cartoon is also about strong women. Yes. Remember, almost all the heroes, except for Kai and one prince, are girls. Each of them lives and fights. Each in their own world. Even the Snow Queen herself, although she is an antagonist, is true to herself and her principles. There's no boss fight waiting for you at the end. No one will pour water on the villainess to make her melt. No. No fight.

    Remember why Kai ended up in this situation? He was let down by his own stupidity, for which he paid in full. There was no point in keeping him with her forever. She was devoted to her ideas of justice. Just like Gerda, she was so devoted in her love for the boy that she was ready to walk barefoot through any North. And there is no better phrase that describes the entire cartoon and all the characters than the one in the cartoon itself. This was said by an elderly Finnish woman, stirring food in a cauldron. The kind deer asked her to make Gerda stronger, to which she replied:

    “Nothing can make her stronger than she is. What could be stronger than a devoted heart?

    Nothing. And this is the most important lesson of this cartoon. Devotion. To your people, to travelers in need of help, to friends, to animals, and most importantly to yourself.

    Oh, this Russian language. What spaces it opens up for us. After all, the word “devotee” has diametrically opposite meanings. This is both the one who is devoted to someone and the one who was betrayed. Gerda saves Kai because she is devoted to him. The Snow Queen is not defeated, because her heart is made of ice, because she was once betrayed. Yes... What could be stronger than a devoted heart?

    Characteristics of the Snow Queen

    The Snow Queen, Blizzard Witch, Ice Maiden is a classic character in Scandinavian folklore. Lifeless and cold space, snow and eternal ice - this is the Kingdom of the Snow Queen. A tall, beautiful ruler on a throne located on a lake called the “Mirror of the Mind”, she is the embodiment of cold reason and beauty, devoid of feelings.

    Christian motives in a fairy tale

    Andersen's tale is imbued with Christian motifs. This is rarely seen in Russian publications. In the episode, when Gerda tries to enter the Snow Queen's castle, the guards do not let her in. She was able to get into it thanks to the fact that she began to read the “Our Father” prayer. After which the guards, turning into angels, paved the way for the girl.

    While Gerda and Kai return to their home, the grandmother reads the Gospel. After the meeting, the children all begin to dance around the rose bush and sing a Christmas carol, which is how the instructive tale ends.

    And this mysterious journey from the world of good to the land of evil began with a fragment of a broken mirror that fell into Kai’s eye. The mirror broke because trolls (that is, demons) reflected everything in the world in a distorted form. Andersen explains this by saying that the demons in the lying mirror wanted to reflect the Creator. God, not allowing this, made the mirror escape from the hands of the demons and break.

    The image of Hell is reflected in the word “eternity”, which the Snow Queen instructed Kai to compose. Icy eternity, not created by the Creator, is an image of hell.

    In the episode where the deer asks the sorceress to help Gerda and give her the strength of twelve heroes (twelve apostles), she replies that she cannot make the girl stronger than she is. Her strength is her small loving heart. And God helps her anyway.

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