My thoughts after reading the story “The Garnet Bracelet”

Essay on the work Garnet Bracelet by Kuprin

“Garnet Bracelet” is a work written by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin in 1910.
The basis for writing was a real story that happened to the writer: telegraph operator Zheltikov fell in love with his wife, who gave his wife a chain with a pendant in the shape of an Easter egg. For the family, this situation was comical, but in Kuprin’s story it took on a tragic character. The main theme of “Garnet Bracelet” is the theme of love . Pure, submissive, but unrequited. The idea of ​​the story was the idea that once every hundred years true love occurs in the world, which should not be missed.

The events of the story take place at the end of September at the dacha of the princely Shein family near the Black Sea. Many of the actions and characters in the book are interesting, surprising and puzzling, but the most powerful impression was made by Anosov’s words that sincere love must always be tragic.

It was this character who “opened the eyes” of the main character Vera to some things and motives for creating a family, and showed examples of true selfless love.

Remembering Yakov’s words, the countess realizes that she missed out on exactly the tenderness and fidelity that any woman could dream of.

Also surprising is the “impregnation” of the book with symbols and superstitions: the number of guests at the holiday is 13, which is unlucky, the husband’s gift is pearl earrings (pearls are a sign of bad omen), the garnet bracelet itself (garnet is a stone of love, anger and blood), cloudy weather on the eve of the celebration.

The power of Zheltkov’s love is also striking. He always remained aloof, was not intrusive, listened to Sheina’s every request, and, having lost the opportunity to see her, he committed suicide, because Vera was the meaning of his life, and without observing her, he considered his existence meaningless.

After which the heroine was not only upset, but also realized that her heart was still capable of passion and love, and her uninteresting and boring life sparkled with new colors and shades.

She realized the sincerity of warm feelings and the willingness to sacrifice herself for the sake of another person in the absence of any return and reciprocity.

“Garnet Bracelet” makes you think about true love and leads you to the idea that this bright feeling and sympathy is important in everyone’s life, and if a person is unrequitedly in love, but very strong and deep, then even observing the object of adoration from a distance fills existence with meaning and can make him happy. You need to be able to love without demanding anything in return, and not be afraid to seem funny and stupid because of the manifestation of your feelings.

Option 2

Since the existence of mankind, every writer has considered it an honor to talk about love. Countless essays and stories have been written on this topic. And for a reason.

After all, this feeling envelops the hearts of each of us and cannot leave alone.

Among all the variety and flow of descriptions of this feeling, it is worth highlighting the story “The Garnet Bracelet” by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin.

“Love must be a tragedy! The greatest secret in the world! - says General Anosov. This is exactly what runs through Kuprin’s entire story.

The main characters talk a lot about love. From their lips it appears in a variety of forms and images. True love is very rare. But this is exactly how it was for the official Zheltkov.

By nature, timid and dreamy, a mid-level official, with nothing behind him except sincere feelings, fell in love with a girl from high society. His selfless and unrequited love lasted for eight whole years.

This feeling absorbed Zheltkov entirely.

As proof of his boundless love, Zheltkov presents a gift to Vera Nikolaevna, the only valuable thing he inherited from his mother - a garnet bracelet. Having failed to find the keys to the heart of his beloved Vera, he decides to commit suicide, thereby fulfilling her will - leaving her alone.

Later, Vera herself realizes the purity and sincerity of Zheltkov’s feelings. That no one loved her so strongly and unselfishly and is unlikely to love her anymore. Only after Zheltkov’s death does Vera compare him with the greatest people. Having played a Beethoven sonata in memory of him, she understands that he has forgiven her and does not hold a grudge.

The work itself is filled with reflections on love, which comes from the lips of each hero. Alexander Kuprin in his story shows love as some kind of unattainable secret, for which there are no barriers or doubts. Plunges us into the world of selfless and kind people. Where the real and powerful feeling is love.

But, at the same time, he does not impose his thoughts, but only shows the actions of the heroes, their lives and destinies, thereby forcing the reader to independently analyze and draw conclusions. About symbolism - which is the garnet bracelet. The idea of ​​true love, which does not pass without a trace. The main idea is real and sincere love, which you need to be able to notice.

Essay 3

Throughout human history, what has most excited and touched hearts? Poets and writers glorify this feeling and devote entire poems to it. Of course, we are talking about love. It would seem that a person who has had a real feeling should be infinitely happy. But things could be different.

A minor official falls in love with the prince's wife. He admires her from afar, keeps her image in his heart, only sometimes allowing her to be reminded of him. Vera Nikolaevna, of course, cannot reciprocate.

Firstly, she really treats her husband well, he is a worthy person, and she simply cannot disgrace him with betrayal. Secondly, Vera and Zheltkov are from different classes. She belongs to a noble noble family.

He is an ordinary official, of which there are hundreds in each office.

However, Zheltkov does not really hope for reciprocity. The mere existence of Vera is enough for him to feel happy. He does not expect anything in return, he is only ready to give, not take. He gives himself entirely to this feeling and to the woman he loves.

Vera's husband and her brother know about this admirer. He makes them smile, mixed with pity, because everyone understands how futile any attempts on his part would be.

Vera Nikolaevna asks Zheltkov not to write her any more letters about his love and he obeys, finally sending his beloved that same garnet bracelet as a symbol of eternal love.

By the way, this story is autobiographical. Telegraph operator Zheltikov was in love with Kuprin’s own wife, who once gave her a pendant in the shape of an Easter egg. The writer's family reacted comically to this story, but in the story everything ended more tragically.

Realizing that his existence poisons the life of the woman he loves, Zheltkov decides to leave this life. It’s as if he is punishing himself for the crime he committed, because he wanted something that he couldn’t want.

In my opinion, he did not act very noblely by informing Vera about his passing away. After all, having received such a letter, any woman will feel guilty, although no guilt lies with her. It would be much better to say that he decided to go somewhere and leave her forever.

Although it was this act that showed Vera what true love and dedication means. She realized that she still knew how to feel, that her heart had not hardened.

In his story, Kuprin shows love as, in the writer’s opinion, it should be. But not everyone is able to find it. Is this ability innate or acquired? Who knows…

Option 4

Love is the most sincere and pure feeling inherent in man at all times; it is not for nothing that all great writers, singers and poets glorify love in all its manifestations in their works.

For some it is unrequited and unhappy, for others it is mutual, and for others they love unselfishly, reverently, without demanding anything in return.

But every person needs love, like air, without this feeling the world would simply cease to exist.

A. Kuprin in his work “The Garnet Bracelet” describes love that overtakes only one of the heroes.

A modest office worker, Zheltkov, falls madly in love with Vera Nikolaevna, a sophisticated and graceful princess, but alas, she has absolutely no feelings for her admirer.

Zheltkov is so fascinated by the woman that he does not even think about any kind of reciprocity on her part. He is happy just from the mere presence of Vera Nikolaevna nearby and, of course, his letters occupy not the last place in this love story.

Among the other heroes of the work, Zheltkov stands an order of magnitude higher, because none of them had ever truly loved, but he experienced this feeling to the fullest, every part of his body rejoiced at the thought of the object of his adoration. The people around him only mocked Zheltkov, rereading his letters.

In addition to the ardent, passionate and selfless love of the main character, another type of this feeling is mentioned in the work: friendly love, proven over the years. These are the feelings that Vera Nikolaevna experiences for her husband. By responding to Zheltkov’s love, she would have betrayed her husband, and by ignoring what she did, Sheina may have missed out on her happiness.

The most important moment in this whole story is Vera Nikolaevna’s receipt of the last, one might even say, farewell letter from Zheltkov. In it, he opens up to Sheina about his feelings, without blaming her in any way and without demanding any return. Here one involuntarily recalls the famous lines of A.S. Pushkin: “I loved you...”

Vera Nikolaevna only after Zheltkov’s death understands the full power of his devotion and love, but nothing can be changed.

The author of this work with a sad ending wanted to convey to the reader one simple truth: we need to look around more often, appreciate those who are infinitely devoted to us, otherwise it may be too late, and it is simply impossible to turn back time.

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Essay on the topic my thoughts about the story garnet bracelet

Home Abstracts - Essays on literature Kuprin Garnet Bracelet - essay Thoughts about the read story “Garnet Bracelet” The agreement of the strings in the quartet tells us
that the lonely path is like death. Shakespeare.
Kuprin, like all writers of all times and peoples without exception, did not ignore the theme of love in his story, but his love is special and unlike anything else - unrequited, but we will return to this issue later. You can immediately ask whether Vera ever loved anyone. Or the word love in its understanding is something other than the concept of marital duty, marital fidelity, and not feelings for another person. Probably only one person - her sister, who was everything to her; she never even thought of loving her husband, not to mention Zheltkov, whom she had never seen alive. Zheltkov, what can you say about him - was he a sick man, and pursued an unfortunate woman, or was he sick with love - unrequited, the most cruel love in the world, which did not give hope for reciprocity. But still, he hoped for the will of fate that it would bring them together, and they would live happily ever after. But no - fate, in the person of Vera, had other plans, she needed to tell everything to her husband - why?! After all, she could have talked to Zheltkov herself, calmed him down, and politely asked him not to write to her anymore. That's all. Throughout the entire story, Kuprin tries to instill in readers “the concept of love on the edge of life,” and he does this through Zheltkov, for him love is life, therefore, no love, no life. And when Vera’s husband persistently asks to stop love, his life ends: “... you are offered one of two things: either you completely refuse to pursue Princess Vera Nikolaevna, or, if you do not agree to this, we will take measures that our position allows us …”. Returning to the question of unrequited love - is love worthy of the loss of life, the loss of everything that can be in the world. You can remember Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”: after all, they gave their lives - for the sake of love, for the sake of the most precious thing that they had, in order to have love in heaven. Everyone must answer this question for themselves - does he want this, and what is more valuable to him - life or love? Zheltkov answered - love: “It so happened that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, my whole life lies only in you...” Was there a need for Vera to go and look at the dead Zheltkov? Perhaps it was an attempt to somehow assert herself, not to torment herself for the rest of her life with remorse, to look at the one she abandoned, and if possible, to love him. To understand that there would be nothing like this in her life - “At that second she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by. ". What we started from is what we came to - unrequited love, only now it’s the other way around, she loves him, but he cannot reciprocate her feelings. And who is to blame for this - himself or his love. What is our life, a game - a game of love? Well, what about the price of life, because life is the most precious thing we have, it is what we are so afraid of losing, and on the other hand, love is the meaning of our life, without which it will not be life, but will be an empty phrase in an infinite book of human history.

My impressions from reading the story “Garnet Bracelet” by A. I. Kuprin

“All ages are submissive to love”... The famous words of the classic that every person has heard. We all dream of meeting love, we dream of beautiful, enchanting words of recognition, of boundless devotion. The heart shrinks with melancholy if a wall of misunderstanding and irresponsibility stands in the way.

We suffer from the fact that our love is not recognized, not recognized. The theme of love permeates the work of any writer, poet, or musician. This is how it has always been and will always be. Sometimes it seems that everything has already been said.

But there are such masterpieces of art that cannot leave anyone indifferent, which themselves seem to radiate a warm light, inspiring humanity to great deeds in the name of love. This is exactly how I see A.I.’s story.

Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet”.

Looking together with the author into the closet of the loving hermit Zheltkov, the last romantic in a cruel and calculating world, I experienced a real shock and realized that, it turns out, I know nothing about love!

A petty official, a lonely and timid dreamer, falls in love with a young society lady, a representative of the so-called “higher class”. Unrequited and hopeless love continues for eight years. "I am not guilty,

Vera Nikolaevna, that God was pleased to send me, as great happiness, love for you,” this is how Zheltkov begins his letter. Love is happiness... Such unrequited love seemed like a great grief to me! At first glance, it seems that a person who “is not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people,” whose whole life lies in one single woman, cannot be happy.

But, despite the sad ending, Zheltkov is happy.

He leaves this life without complaints, without reproaches, saying like a prayer: “Hallowed be Thy name!” The first thought that comes to mind is: “Can you love me like that?” And only then: “Can I do this?” And you understand that this unthinkable love is one in millions... That such love is not for us mortals, we can only have it before our inner spiritual gaze as an unattainable ideal - “the kind of love that women dream about and which men are no longer capable of.” .

“Love should be a tragedy, the greatest secret in the world! No life conveniences, calculations and compromises should concern her,” says the wise General Anosov, who has seen life. But he had never met such love in his life.

Anosov says that even in marriage there is rarely true love, “selfless, selfless, not expecting a reward,” “strong as death.” The motives for starting a family are often completely different - men have theirs, women have theirs. And how relevant his words are today, and always! What woman doesn’t want to be a mother, a housewife?

What man doesn’t want to come to a cozy home where children are waiting for him - the successors of the family, the heirs of the business? “Where is the love?” – I ask after Anosov. And this is love - a common home, children. But love is different, calm, quiet, non-sacrifice. But for her sake, not everyone is ready to “give their life, go to torture.” Thus, in Vera Sheina’s family, familiar relationships, convenient connections and skills have strengthened.

Beauty is not at all alien to Vera, but the desire for it has long been dulled. She was “strictly simple, cold with everyone and a little patronizingly kind, independent and regal calm.”

Lyubov Zheltkova must remain one in a million, illuminating the path for those who have lost hope. But it exists, it is not madness, but true happiness given to the chosen few. Not everyone is able to consider all the beauty and holiness of such a feeling.

At first, Princess Vera Nikolaevna, the addressee of these love revelations, does not take P.P.Zh.’s letters seriously.

I remember a line from the work “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by O. Wilde: “It is better to adore than to be the subject of adoration. Tolerating someone’s adoration is boring and painful.”

The circle to which Vera Nikolaevna belongs cannot admit that this is a real feeling, not so much because of the strangeness of Zheltkov’s behavior, but because of the prejudices that control them.

Kuprin shows us the attitude of Vasily, Vera’s husband, to this, who creates a “touching poem” in which all this holy feeling seems funny, pathetic, and the situation itself is anecdotal.

According to Anosov, “he is a good guy, and the future will show his love in the light of great beauty,” smart and conscientious, but unable to fully understand Zheltkov’s feelings and, following Bulat-Tuganovsky, considers the poor telegraph operator abnormal, a maniac.

Vera’s brother sees in this feeling, in the letters, a personal insult to his noble family.

He is ready to trample and destroy the “plebeian” who dared to show signs of attention to a hereditary noblewoman, he is ready to take “measures that his position and acquaintances will allow him.”

Why are these measures against Zheltkov’s love, which is so much higher than all these everyday, earthly problems! How strongly the contrast is felt between the world of Vera and the world of Zheltkov, but these two dissimilar worlds were connected by a thin, nervously stretched thread of Great Love, which broke with the departure of Zheltkov. With this act, the telegraph operator awakened withered feelings in the souls of the Sheins, especially Vera Nikolaevna, because it was her “life path that was crossed by real, selfless, true love.” Speaking in Kuprin’s symbols, “... the weather suddenly changed abruptly and completely unexpectedly.

Quiet, cloudless days immediately arrived, so clear, sunny and warm, which were not there even in July.” She came, fatal love, like an unexpected gift. The main symbol of the story is the garnet bracelet.

Unfortunately, Vera Nikolaevna understood its meaning too late. “Definitely blood!” - she thinks.

She is overcome by anxiety: “And all her thoughts were chained to that unknown person whom she had never seen and was unlikely to see, to this funny P. P. J.”

The princess again and again recalls the words of General Anosov and is tormented by the most difficult question for her: was it love or madness? Zheltkov’s last letter puts everything in its place. He likes. He loves hopelessly, passionately and follows his love to the end.

He accepts his feeling as a gift from God, as a great happiness: “It’s not my fault, Vera Nikolaevna, that God was pleased to send me, as a great happiness, love for you.

“And he does not curse fate, but leaves life, leaves with great love in his heart, taking it with him, leaving us, sinners, only a symbol of this beautiful love of a beautiful person - a garnet bracelet... And the sounds of Beethoven’s “Appassionata”... On thin threads like this The whole universe is held together by love.

People like Zheltkov sacrifice themselves in the name of everyone, give everything without demanding anything in return, they leave so that we can live, for without love there is no life. As long as she lives in us, we are eternal!

It is impossible to destroy reality, life and true love.

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“Thoughts about reading the story “Garnet Bracelet””

The agreement of the strings in the quartet tells us that the lonely path is like death.


Kuprin, like all writers of all times and peoples without exception, did not ignore the theme of love in his story, but his love is special and unlike anything else - unrequited, but we will return to this issue later.

You can immediately ask whether Vera ever loved anyone. Or the word love in its understanding is something other than the concept of marital duty, marital fidelity, and not feelings for another person. Probably only one person - her sister, who was everything to her; she never even thought of loving her husband, not to mention Zheltkov, whom she had never seen alive.

Zheltkov, what can you say about him - was he a sick man, and pursued an unfortunate woman, or was he sick with love - unrequited, the most cruel love in the world, which did not give hope for reciprocity. But still, he hoped for the will of fate that it would bring them together, and they would live happily ever after. But no - fate, in the person of Vera, had other plans, she needed to tell everything to her husband - why?! After all, she could have talked to Zheltkov herself, calmed him down, and politely asked him not to write to her anymore. That's all.

Throughout the entire story, Kuprin tries to instill in readers “the concept of love on the edge of life,” and he does this through Zheltkov, for him love is life, therefore, no love, no life. And when Vera’s husband persistently asks to stop love, his life ends: “... you are offered one of two things: either you completely refuse to pursue Princess Vera Nikolaevna, or, if you do not agree to this, we will take measures that our position allows us …”.

Returning to the question of unrequited love - is love worthy of the loss of life, the loss of everything that can be in the world. You can remember Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”: after all, they gave their lives - for the sake of love, for the sake of the most precious thing that they had, in order to have love in heaven. Everyone must answer this question for themselves - does he want this, and what is more valuable to him - life or love? Zheltkov answered - love: “It so happened that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, my whole life lies only in you...”

Was there a need for Vera to go and look at the dead Zheltkov? Perhaps it was an attempt to somehow assert herself, not to torment herself for the rest of her life with remorse, to look at the one she abandoned, and if possible, to love him. To understand that there would be nothing like this in her life - “At that second she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by. ". What we started from is what we came to - unrequited love, only now it’s the other way around, she loves him, but he cannot reciprocate her feelings. And who is to blame for this - himself or his love.

What is our life, a game - a game of love? Well, what about the price of life, because life is the most precious thing we have, it is what we are so afraid of losing, and on the other hand, love is the meaning of our life, without which it will not be life, but will be an empty phrase in an infinite book of human history.

Reviews of the book “Garnet Bracelet” by Alexander Kuprin

Although stalkers themselves often claim that their actions are dictated by attraction, love or jealousy, according to psychologists, the true motivation of stalkers is the desire to establish control over the victim.
(c) Wikipedia

Never before has grading on a livelib caused me such dissonance and irreconcilable mental contradiction. Because school attitudes are firmly ingrained in my head: any book included in the concept of “this is a classic” is a priori brilliant, and criticism on this matter is not allowed. Even now, giving these unfortunate three stars, it’s as if I hear the teacher’s voice in my head: how can you, with your poor Unified State Exam scores in literature and one semester of a literary institute under your belt, give three stars to this masterpiece? But, since the unforgettable Valentina Ivanovna does not see this blasphemy, then we can be honest.

Of course, I have grown a little in my thoughts, and Kuprin’s style, which two years ago made me despondent, now seems smooth and melodic. As I read, I really enjoyed how wonderfully letters can form into words, words into sentences, and it all comes together as an aesthetically pleasing text. I sincerely admire how wonderfully Kuprin writes, and the ability to appreciate this beauty is already an indicator of progress on my part (Or the fact is that I read of my own free will, and not driven by the upcoming Unified State Exam). But what he writes about remains beyond my understanding.

If we talk about what I didn’t find in the book, I didn’t find love in it. Perhaps I am not such a skilled literary critic to recognize the author’s irony, but with regard to Zheltkov, Kuprin and I differed radically. Where the author, through the mouth of the characters, told us something about true love, I saw the wildest stalking and manipulation. Yolks causes either fear or irritation. Unceremonious, intruding into his personal life... Seriously, who would like an obsessive admirer following on his heels? In my opinion, endless letters from which it becomes clear that you are being watched day and night is not romantic, but truly creepy.

A red thread running through the entire work is the idea that there is no place for selfishness in love, but the example is the vile Zheltkov, who is fixated only on himself and constantly demands attention. Narcissism shines through in his every action. “I will demand from you an answer to letters, although you don’t even know me, and then I will kindly allow you not to answer and call it generosity, ohoho.” Well, you know! What can I say, he even makes a show out of his death, imputing a sense of guilt on Vera. Well, they say, you didn’t love me, and now look what it led to. A more disgusting act, sorry, cannot be imagined.

And most importantly, the basis of a bright and sincere feeling is not some serious reason, no. Zheltkov is not at all familiar with Vera and is not interested in her personality. He, once paying attention to a stranger in the theater, convinces himself that he is endlessly in love with her, comes up with an ideal image that feeds sick affection, but beyond this there is absolutely nothing. With the same success, any other girl could have been in Vera’s place, and I’m sure he wouldn’t have noticed the difference.

And I could come to terms with such a plot if the author had placed the emphasis somehow differently, but Kuprin stubbornly passes off illness as a high feeling, calling love arrogance, obsession and endless violation of personal boundaries. Maybe it’s the decades that separate us from the author that have an effect, but personally I don’t need such love for nothing.

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