The eldest son description of the heroes. Eldest son

History of creation

This plot interested Vampilov from an early age. The playwright made sketches, but came to the final plot only in the second half of the 1960s.


  • moral (conscience, justice, goodness);
  • family (kinship in spirit and blood).

The meaning of the title: the main character of the play, Volodya Busygin, who almost accidentally passed himself off as a descendant of the Sarafanovs, at the end of the play actually takes on all the functions of the eldest son and takes care of every member of the family.

Literary direction: realism.

Literary genre: comedy, drama.

Genre features: “The Eldest Son” combines the characteristics of the comic and the tragic, which allows us to talk about the very special genre nature of this work. The philosophical “play of life” combines the funny and the sad as naturally as life itself.

Time and place of action: the play takes place in a small village, set in the mid-1960s.

Summary of actions

Act one

Scene one After the walk, the young men accompany the girls home. Silva and Busygin expect to spend the night visiting new acquaintances, but they refuse them. So the men find themselves in an unfamiliar town at night, they don’t have time to catch the train, and the next one will only arrive early in the morning.

Sarafanov returns home and meets a neighbor on the way. He secretly works as a musician at funerals, but asks not to talk about it, as he is ashamed of his position.

Vasya secretly waits for Makarskaya’s return at her house. He is passionately in love and is ready to achieve favor by any means. The girl is much older than him and does not reciprocate, sending the young man home to sleep.

Meanwhile, Busygin and Silva are looking for shelter for the night, but all attempts are in vain. They see Sarafanov leaving the apartment, decide to take advantage of the moment and go to his house while the owner is away. They find Vasya there, packing his things and planning to urgently leave his unhappy love.

Scene two Upset Vasily collects his things and composes a farewell letter. The elder sister Nina, seeing something was wrong, stops the young man and takes the backpack with his things. At this time, a couple of freezing comrades appear on the threshold.

Silva can’t come up with anything better and makes up a story on the fly that Busygin is Sarafanov’s illegitimate son, and therefore Vasenka’s brother. The young man, stunned by the sudden news, sets the table and takes out a drink to celebrate the meeting.

Sarafanov returns home and suggests that Busygin may indeed be his son. He recalls his accidental relationship with a woman, Galina, 21 years ago. Vasya supports his father without blaming him for anything.

Nadya is not so trusting. She asks Busygin clarifying questions, but he answers correctly, since he overheard the conversation between Sarafanov and Vasenka. Until the morning, Sarafanov communicates with the “eldest son”, talks about the situation in the family and the fact that the children will soon leave him. The daughter marries a military man and moves to Sakhalin. Vasya wants to go to the taiga to earn money. Confused Silva and Busygin want to leave the house of the hospitable Sarafanov in the morning, but he stops them. He takes out a silver snuff box, a family heirloom. He wants to pass it on to his eldest child, as they did in previous generations in this family. Vladimir feels embarrassed for his deception, and he agrees to stay a little longer.

A mutual attraction appears between Nina and Vladimir, which discourages both, because the girl was just talking about what a wonderful fiancé she has.

Act two

Scene one Unexpectedly, Makarskaya calls Vasya on a date, which causes him great joy. The young man runs off to buy movie tickets, at which time Silva makes an appointment with the girl for the same time.

Nina tells Vladimir that Sarafanov lost his job in the orchestra and is very ashamed to admit it. He secretly works at funerals and dances, and the children pretend not to know anything. In the evening, she expects her groom to visit and wants to introduce him to Busygin.

Makarskaya says that she changed her mind about meeting Vasya in the evening. While explaining to the young man, she reveals that Sarafanov asked to invite him. Vasya returns to his father’s house in despair and is about to leave again.

Scene Two Nadine's future husband, a cadet at an aviation school, appears in the Sarafanovs' house. Mikhail brings flowers and champagne with him and complains about the lack of time. Even after Nadya’s request, he does not intend to stay as a guest.

Vasya leaves home. The father of the family is nervous and says that the children are selfish and callous. He packs his things and wants to go with Vladimir to meet his mother. Meanwhile, Vladimir reveals the truth to Nina that he is not her brother, and confesses his love to the girl. They don’t know how to explain everything that happened to Sarafanov.

A triumphant Vasenka returns. He set fire to Makarska’s apartment, which made him very happy. A little later, Silva arrives covered in marks from the fire. Out of anger, he reveals the truth about the deception to Sarafanov.

However, Sarafanov is not upset. He already considers Busygin a close person and even offers to live at their home, and not in a hostel. Confused, Vladimir refuses, but promises to visit new acquaintances as often as possible.

Illustration for the book “The Eldest Son” by A. Vampilov


  • Volodya Busygin is a medical student, 21 years old.
  • Semyon Sevostyanov (Silva) is a friend of Volodya Busygin, a sales agent by profession.
  • Andrey Grigorievich Sarafanov is the father of the family, a 55-year-old man. By profession he is a musician (plays the clarinet in a club).
  • Nina is the daughter of Andrei Sarafanov. She is going to marry Mikhail Kudimov.
  • Mikhail Kudimov is a cadet and Nina’s future husband.
  • Vasenka is the youngest son of Andrei Sarafanov, a tenth grader. In love with a neighbor, Natalya Makarskaya.
  • Natalya Makarskaya is a 34-year-old woman, a neighbor of the Sarafanovs, and a court secretary by profession.

Other characters

Nina is Sarafanov’s daughter, 19 years old, a responsible, serious girl.

Vasenka is Sarafanov’s youngest son, a tenth-grader.

Semyon Sevostyanov (Silva) is a sales agent, a great lover of women and feasts.

Mikhail Kudimov is Nina’s fiancé, a flight school cadet, a purposeful and strong-willed guy.

Natalya Makarskaya is Vasenka’s beloved, a frivolous girl of 26 years old.


Act one

Volodya Busygin and his friend Silva saw off the girls and were late for the train. They go into the first house they come across (it belongs to the Sarafanovs). Approaching the house, the guys saw the owner of the house and heard him say his name, so they can tell who they came to.

Before Busygin and Silva’s visit, there was a quarrel in the house: Vasenka, who was rejected by his beloved, wants to leave home. His sister Nina is against it: she herself plans to get married and leave, and if Vasya leaves his home, then his father will be left alone.

To prevent the guys from being kicked out right away, Silva tells Vasenka an incredible story: they say, Volodya Busygin is the illegitimate eldest son of Sarafanov, Vasenka’s brother.

Vasenka is dumbfounded. Sarafanov, who came, asks all sorts of questions, but the answers confirm Andrei Grigorievich’s fears: this guy could really be his son. Nina wakes up and also tries to bring Busygin to light, but all the answers indicate that the story he told is true.

Sarafanov sincerely and sincerely talks with Busygin, asking him to influence the lover Vasenka. Andrei Grigorievich is very glad that he has a son, because his daughter Nina is getting married and leaving. Then everyone goes to bed.

The next morning Busygin wakes up Silva and wants to leave as quickly as possible. But Andrei Grigorievich appears. He is very upset that his son is leaving and wants to give Volodya a gift. While Sarafanov goes to get a gift, Nina wakes up and attracts the attention of Volodya Busygin. Volodya thinks how beautiful Nina is, and then Sarafanov brings him a silver snuff box, informing him that this little thing always belongs to the eldest son of the Sarafanov family. Busygin says that he will stay one more day. Everyone is happy about this. Volodya and Nina are cleaning the house and talking about Nina’s fiancé (Volodya no longer likes him, even though they haven’t met yet).

Act two

Natalya Makarskaya speaks to Vasenka and sends him to buy movie tickets. As soon as Vasenka leaves, Silva appears and begins to court Makarska.

At this time, Nina tells Busygin about her father: Andrei Grigorievich was fired from the Philharmonic, now he plays at funerals, but he hides it from the children, and Nina and Vasya pretend that they don’t know anything. A joyful Vasenka enters; he bought cinema tickets.

Makarskaya undertakes to sew Vassenka a button, but flatly refuses to go to the cinema. Vasya guesses that Makarskaya has a date. Annoyed by his intrusiveness, Natalya says that she is only talking to Vasenka out of pity for Andrei Grigorievich. The young man runs away: he wants to leave home again, but then he simply locks himself in his room and doesn’t talk to anyone.

Nina's fiance Mikhail Kudimov visits the Sarafanov family. Busygin categorically does not like him: he is too indifferent, he behaves like a master. Kudimov is never late, so he doesn’t intend to wait for Andrei Sarafanov. But Sarafanov still comes. Kudimov looks closely at Sarafanov, trying to remember where he saw him, and finally joyfully remembers: at the funeral! Andrei Grigorievich played music at the funeral. Everyone is trying to convince Kudimov that he was mistaken. Sarafanov is upset. And then Vasenka leaves home again. Silva is also going - “on business”.

Nina asks Kudimov for forgiveness for her brother’s behavior and insists that Mikhail stay, but he is indifferent to everything: it’s time for him to go to the barracks. Sarafanov becomes completely upset and shouts that he is the one who will leave now... Volodya Busygin unexpectedly says that he will not leave his father and, if necessary, will live with him.

Later, Busygin talks with Nina alone. The girl decided not to go anywhere: she couldn’t leave her father. Busygin admits that he is not Nina’s brother and says that he loves her. Nina is very angry. Then Andrei Grigorievich comes with a new idea: he will go to Chernigov, Busygin’s hometown, and marry his mother to restore the family. Immediately after this, Vasenka comes running: he realized that a man had come to Makarskaya and set fire to the house of his unfaithful lover. Silva appears in burnt pants: of course, he was Makarska’s lover. He is followed by Natalya Makarskaya herself.

Busygin is very angry with Silva and wants to kick him out. Then Silva reveals Busygin’s secret: he is not Sarafanov’s son at all. Andrei Grigorievich hears, but does not want to admit it. He insists: be that as it may, Volodya Busygin is his son. Sarafanov asks Volodya to live with them. Busygin is confused, touched, in love and promises to come every day, but today he was late for the train again...

Eldest son summary

The play “The Eldest Son” by Vampilov was written in 1967, and initially had several variations with different titles: “Peace in the Sarafanov House”, “Grooms”, “Suburb”. A comedy in two acts is built on strange coincidences, random coincidences, which form the basis of the plot. On our website you can read online a summary of “The Eldest Son” by chapter (action), which will be useful in preparing for a literature lesson.

The main characters are Vladimir Busygin - a young man, a medical student, a kind, sympathetic guy. Andrey Grigorievich Sarafanov is a middle-aged man, a musician in the railway workers' club. Other characters Nina is Sarafanov’s daughter, 19 years old, a responsible, serious girl. Vasenka is Sarafanov’s youngest son, a tenth-grader. Semyon Sevostyanov (Silva) is a sales agent, a great lover of women and feasts. Mikhail Kudimov is Nina’s fiancé, a flight school cadet, a purposeful and strong-willed guy. Natalya Makarskaya is Vasenka’s beloved, a frivolous girl of 26 years old. Summary

Act one Scene one Silva and Busygin, to the accompaniment of guitar chords, escort home two girlfriends whom they met this evening. When saying goodbye, the young people try to ask to visit them, but the girls resolutely refuse, saying that “no guests come to them at night.” At this moment, “Sarafanov appears with a clarinet in his hands.” Confronted with a neighbor at the entrance, he asks not to tell anyone that he works part-time at funerals. Vasenka, having waited for Makarskaya to appear, takes on an indifferent look and pretends to be an “unexpected meeting.” A young man is secretly in love with a girl who is ten years older than him, and he cannot count on reciprocity. Realizing that they were late for the train, Busygin and Silva are trying to solve a serious problem - how to spend the night in this wilderness. They start calling apartments asking to let them spend the night, but no one opens for them. Soon, friends notice Andrei Grigorievich Sarafanov heading to Makarskaya’s house and asking to be let in. Not wanting to waste even a minute, they go to Sarafanov’s apartment, where the young man remained, ready to leave the house with a backpack on his shoulders.

Scene Two Humiliated by Makarskaya’s refusal, Vasenka writes her a farewell note and plans to leave her father’s house forever. Nina notices her younger brother's preparations and takes the backpack from him. At this moment, Silva and Busygin appear in the apartment, ready to do anything for an overnight stay. Silva goes all in and tells the stunned boy that Busygin is his half-brother. Vasenka is “embarrassed and confused,” and always prepares a feast for the deceivers. Sarafanov comes in and learns from his son that they have “unusual guests.” Vasenka reassures his father by saying that he understands everything, to which Andrei Grigorievich irritably replies: “I was a soldier! A soldier, not a vegetarian!” Nadya appears, and the first thing she does is begin to interrogate her “half-brother,” demanding proof of relationship from him. Busygin, who managed to overhear Sarafanov’s revelations with Vasenka, gives out all the necessary information - the name of the mother and the time of her meeting with her father.

Sarafanov talks peacefully with Busygin until the morning. He complains that the children intend to leave him soon: Nina is getting married and is leaving for Sakhalin the other day, and Vasenka is “going to the taiga to work on a construction site.” The friends want to get out of the house unnoticed, but Andrei Grigorievich does not allow them to do this. As a souvenir, he wants to give Busygin a silver snuff box, which in his family “always belonged to the eldest son.” The young man is ashamed of his lies, and he decides to stay one more day. While cleaning together, the girl shares her plans for the future with her “brother” and praises her fiancé. At some point, the young people almost kissed, and this incident greatly discouraged them.

Act two Scene one Unexpectedly for Vasenka, Makarskaya invites him to go to the cinema, and he does not believe his own happiness. While he is running for tickets, the girl makes an appointment with Silva in the evening. Nina shares with Busygin that her father has not played in the Philharmonic for a long time, but works part-time dancing at the railway workers’ club. In order not to upset him, they pretend to believe that “he is still in the symphony orchestra.” The girl says that her fiancé will come to dinner with them in the evening and asks her “brother” to stay.

Makarskaya refuses to go to the cinema with Vasenka, since she already has a date with Silva. In her hearts, she confesses to the young man that she agreed to spend the evening with him only at the request of his father. Vasenka runs home and starts packing her backpack again.

Scene two Kudimov comes to the Sarafanovs with a bouquet of flowers and champagne. This is Nina’s fiancé, a brilliant “aviation school cadet.” He laments that he has very little free time, and out of principle he is not going to be late for the barracks even at Nina’s request.

Vasenka leaves home, and no one can hold him. Sarafanov becomes hysterical; he accuses the children of callousness and selfishness.

Unable to bear it, Busygin confesses his love to Nina and says that he is not her brother and he “does not and never had a sister.” Meanwhile, Sarafanov is packing his suitcase and his favorite clarinet - he is ready to go with his newfound son to his mother. The young people are confused - they do not know how to tell him the truth. Meanwhile, Vassenka appears on the threshold - “he looks scared and solemn.” He reports that he set fire to Makarska and her lover. Following him, Silva appears covered in soot and in burnt pants. He tells Sarafanov the truth about yesterday’s adventure.

However, this news does not upset the man - he managed to fall in love with Busygin as his own son, and offers to move in with them from the hostel. The young man refuses, but promises to visit them every day.

Conclusion Vampilov’s work teaches mercy, mutual assistance, and compassion. Mental closeness does not always depend on family ties: even a complete stranger can become truly family and friends. A brief retelling of “The Eldest Son” will be useful both for the reader’s diary and in preparation for a literature lesson.


This man now really needs such love: the youngest son has fallen in love and is trying to get out of hand, the daughter is getting married and is going to Sakhalin. He himself left the symphonic orchestra and plays at dances and funerals, which he selfishly hides from the children, who, nevertheless, are in the know and only pretend that they know nothing. Busygin plays his role well, so that even Sarafan’s adult daughter Nina, who initially met her “brother” very distrustfully, is ready to believe. Sarafanov and Busygin spend the night in a confidential conversation. Sarafanov tells him about his whole life, opens his soul: his wife left him because it seemed to her that he played the clarinet for too long in the evenings. But Sarafanov is proud of himself: he did not allow himself to get lost in the bustle, he composes music.

Looking for shelter

Two young people - a student at the medical institute Busygin and a trade agent Semyon, nicknamed Silva - hit on unfamiliar girls. Having seen them off home, but not having met the further hospitality they were counting on, they discover that they were late for the train. It’s late, it’s cold outside, and they are forced to look for shelter in a foreign area. The young people barely know each other, but misfortune brings them closer together. They are both guys with humor, they have a lot of fun and games, they do not lose heart and are ready to take advantage of any opportunity to warm up.

Vampilov’s “eldest son”: main characters

Initially, the author wanted to call the play differently. Namely, “Peace in Sarafanov’s House.” The playwright began work on this work back in 1964. The names and characteristics of the characters in Vampilov’s “Elder Son” were somewhat different in the original version. But let’s not remember the writing process that took place more than fifty years ago, but let’s imagine the final version.

The main character is Vladimir Busygin, a young man, a student at a medical institute. His friend is Semyon, nicknamed Silva. Andrey Sarafanov is a man who considers Busygin his son. He is not actually the father of the medical student. Where this misconception comes from will become clear from the summary of “The Elder Son” by Vampilov, outlined below.

Nina and Vasenka are Sarafanov’s children. The daughter is nineteen years old. My son is sixteen. Other characters that we will remember when presenting a brief summary of Vampilov’s “Elder Son” are Natalya Makarskaya, Mikhail Kudimov.

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