Raskolnikov's theory and its collapse in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment essay by the Main Character
Essays On literature Lermontov Water Society in the novel Hero of Our Time Water Society in
About the work The story “The Photograph in Which I’m Not in” by Astafiev was written in 1968.
Traveling through Karelia Ideas of Decembrism in Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”. Chatsky and the Decembrists.
Comparison of the appearance of two heroes The main feature of Kutuzov’s face is a smile and a single tear on
The inner world is a concept originally used to designate a part of the living space that reflects the mental
About Leonid Andreev’s story “Judas Iscariot” The work was written in the genre of a story, first appeared in
Summary Chapter 1. Uninvited guests In a cozy hole underground lived a hobbit
The main characters and their characteristics: Borya Zbanduto - mischievous and eccentric, but kind and