Plastov Summer fragment of a painting
Essay on Konchalovsky’s painting “Lilacs in a Basket” 5th grade
Description based on the painting “In Summer” by Soviet artist Arkady Plastov. At the end there is an essay for grade 5
Characteristics of Mitrofan
Mitrofanushka's behavior and actions. Essay “The image and character of Mitrofan
Mitrofan Prostakov is one of the central characters in D. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.” It's bright,
Analysis of “Garnet Bracelet” Kuprin
Lesson on A. Kuprin’s story “Garnet Bracelet” in 11th grade
4.4 Average rating: 4.4 Total ratings received: 3816. 4.4 Average rating: 4.4 Total ratings received
Write with a pen
“Portrait” - a summary of the story by N.V. Gogol
History of creation Gogol’s story “Portrait” did not immediately acquire the form known to modern readers. Author several
“Oblomov’s Dream” summary of chapter 9 – read the retelling online
Summary Oblomov dreamed of a wonderful land, which “represented a series of picturesque sketches, cheerful, smiling landscapes.”
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